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Benjamin Wittorf: "The density of expertise, experience and creativity that came together at the EURO was unique."

"A Skyful of Lights" by Wolfram Lenssen for UEFA EURO 2024 at the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus (June/July 2024). In collaboration with Om Shira ©Benjamin Wittorf

Benjamin Wittdorf: "The density of expertise, experience and creativity that came together at the EURO was unique."

The interview was conducted in German. Free translation by the editors.

The EURO UEFA was not just a sports festival, but the city combined football with art and culture. One of the most beautiful productions was the 3D video performance on the smooth white façade of the Schauspielhaus, one of Düsseldorf's landmarks, designed by architect Bernhard Pfau. Various artists were allowed to perform on the surface, including the Düsseldorf creative and poet Benjamin Wittdorf, who is known in Düsseldorf for his "ÜBERSCHRIFTEN" project. In an exclusive interview, Benjamin Wittdorf also gives an insight into the extensive creative work and huge teams behind the EURO spectacles.

Under the motto "A Skyful of Lights", the organisers wanted to merge football and art in a special way to create a "piazza of encounters" on Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz. With its curved façade, the theatre became the canvas for a three-part, multimedia projection show initiated by director Wolfram Lenssen. The works were all created by Düsseldorf artists: Maria Wintz, Suria Kassimi, Matias Kobolder & Diogo Lanca, Michelle Duong, Wolfgang Horn & Barbara Esser, Tina Reichel, J.U. Lensing, Kristine Tusiashvili, Anna Vilents, Werner Pilli. In addition to the themes of football, Palermo and space, the production "ÜBERSCHRIFTEN" stood out for its poetic calm. Benjamin Wittdord was able to observe how his "ÜBERSCHRIFTEN" touched the visitors - making them think and discuss. "ÜBERSCHRIFTEN" are even freely accessible, you can subscribe to them daily by e-mail.


7 August 2024

Continue reading in German

Interview Directory 


Name: Benjamin Wittdorf

Occupation: Autor, Künstler

Residence: Düsseldorf

Mr Wittorf, what are "headlines"?

My ÜBERSCHRIFTEN are short, concise texts that are intended to encourage people to pause and reflect. In a world characterised by acceleration and sensory overload, they rely on the power of poetic condensation. Each ÜBERSCHRIFT is an invitation to question one's own habits of perception and thought and to engage with new perspectives. In doing so, I address topics that move me personally - from questions of meaning to the challenges of interpersonal relationships in an individualised society to personal development processes.

The ÜBERSCHRIFTEN are food for thought, reminders, sometimes also admonitions. They often reflect our natural negative bias and point out blind spots in our thinking. Sometimes they are amusing observations, but mostly rather uncomfortable statements - always in the context of our personal development. In this way, I try to critically scrutinise individual constructions of meaning or encourage new perspectives.

What was it like to see your work projected onto the theatre stage? 

It was an impressive experience to see my ÜBERSCHRIFTEN on the imposing facade of the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus - as part of Wolfram Lenssen's "A Skyful of Light" for UEFA EURO 2024. Works by various Düsseldorf artists were shown there on several evenings, and I had the honour of creating my own event with my texts.

Although it was "my thing" and I was responsible for my texts, I also had the feeling of being part of something bigger. The transcripts were embedded in the overall event, accompanied by the music of Mr Shirazy. When my words then ran across the façade in huge letters, it was a very impressive sight - even for me. The sheer size and visual power of the projection was almost megalomaniacal. At the same time, it was an impressive way of experiencing what I aim to achieve with my work: to provide food for thought in the middle of everyday life and in public spaces, to make people pause for thought. The immediate reactions of the audience in the fan zone were impressive. There were curious people who perhaps hadn't even come for the art, but simply enjoyed the great atmosphere and had fun at a good show. Seeing how the ÜBERSCHRIFTEN also touched them, inspired them to think and discuss, was a wonderful affirmation for me - and an incentive to continue going outside with my art, to be visible and to reach as many different people as possible.

How did the project actually come about? Who are the contributors?

After the failure of a major professional project, I began to think intensively about questions of meaning - and realised that I was not alone in this. Conversations with friends crystallised existential themes that many people are concerned with. My notes and reflections then developed into ÜBERSCHRIFTEN - short, concise texts that take up these questions and thoughts and express them in a poetically condensed form. The project has grown over a long period of time, in constant dialogue with people, especially from my personal environment, who have inspired me and encouraged me to question things critically. However, it is not a collective work in the narrower sense, but a very personal exploration of topics that move me deeply. In this respect, ÜBERSCHRIFTEN is my very own expression, my way of processing these issues artistically and bringing them to the outside world.

"A Skyful of Lights" - In collaboration with Om Shira ©Benjamin Wittorf

"A Skyful of Lights" - In collaboration with Om Shira ©Benjamin Wittorf

"Ultimately, ÜBERSCHRIFTEN is the result of my very personal examination of our complex present - and the conviction that we must always pause and question our negative biases."

Did you write all the texts yourself? What are your inspirations?

Yes, I wrote all of the texts myself, even if I can't rule out unconscious quotations or similarities due to summarisation. After all, they didn't come about in a vacuum, but rather from my engagement with literature, philosophy, psychology and sociology, from conversations and encounters. Ultimately, ÜBERSCHRIFTEN are the result of my very personal engagement with our complex present - and the conviction that we must always pause and question our negative biases. They are not intended to proclaim truths, but to raise questions, invite a change of perspective and thus help us to treat ourselves and each other with more mindfulness, understanding and empathy. So if they help us to treat ourselves and each other with more attentiveness, understanding and empathy, then they have already achieved a great deal.

"I am interested in a kind of "applied philosophy" that starts in the middle of life and yet points beyond the moment."

Have you turned from your earlier work to a scientifically abstract endeavour?

I wouldn't see it that way. Even though I make use of empirically proven psychological theories such as Jane Loevinger's in my writings, I am not interested in scientific abstraction. On the contrary: my aim is to condense complex relationships and insights into concise moments. The transcripts are not intended to be theoretical treatises, but impulses that lead directly into the here and now. They are an invitation to pause and scrutinise our thoughts, actions and feelings. Instead of giving answers, I want to ask questions and encourage dialogue. In this respect, ÜBERSCHRIFTEN represents an attempt to bring together scientific findings and personal experiences - and to translate them into a form that is immediately appealing and touching. I am interested in a kind of "applied philosophy" that starts in the centre of life and yet points beyond the moment.

Can you subscribe to the ÜBERSCHRIFTEN by email every day? Why do you do that?

Yes, it is important to me to make the ÜBERSCHRIFTEN as accessible and direct as possible. That's why I offer daily e-mail subscriptions. The idea behind this is to create an easy way to receive regular food for thought - without the distraction of adverts, sales pitches or other disruptive factors. Just the pure ÜBERSCHRIFTEN, straight to your inbox. A brief impulse that invites you to pause for a moment and reflect.

At the same time, it is a way of integrating the ÜBERSCHRIFTEN into everyday life, making it a recurring fixture. I imagine that the morning email could become a little ritual for some people - an invitation to start the day consciously and perhaps see things differently. Another important aspect for me is the opportunity for dialogue. Anyone who wants to can reply directly to the email and get in touch with me. I welcome feedback, questions, thoughts - anything that the transcripts trigger. After all, my ultimate aim is to start a dialogue and learn from each other. Without an agenda, without ulterior motives. Simply from person to person.

"The EURO has shown what is possible when expertise and passion come together. And - despite the idea of competition - it made something of the unifying power of sport and art tangible."

What was your experience of the UEFA EURO in Düsseldorf?

UEFA EURO 2024 in Düsseldorf was an impressive experience for me - both on a human and organisational level. On the one hand, there was the incredible diversity: people from all over Europe came together, dozens of languages and dialects could be heard. It was fascinating to see how football acted as a unifying element despite all the differences. I was also impressed by the technical side - finally 5G and card payments everywhere! At the same time, the event also offered exciting insights behind the scenes, into the UEFA apparatus. When organising such events, you have to think about countless details. And despite all the planning, something always goes wrong. That was also evident at this EURO - many things didn't run smoothly.

For me personally, it was a great pleasure and honour to be able to present my ÜBERSCHRIFTEN as part of the official cultural programme "A Skyful of Lights". I would like to take this opportunity to thank Wolfram Lenssen and Stephanie Knoblich for the invitation, the support and the opportunity to show my texts on the façade of the Düsseldorf theatre. It was a unique experience that will not be repeated in a hurry. I was particularly impressed by the variety and quality of the artistic contributions at "A Skyful of Lights". On all dates, there was a live VJ set by Om Shira ("Mr Shirazy"), who also accompanied various artists with his own music. The works were all by Düsseldorf artists: Maria Wintz, Suria Kassimi, Matias Kobolder & Diogo Lanca, Michelle Duong, Wolfgang Horn & Barbara Esser, Tina Reichel, J.U. Lensing, Kristine Tusiashvili, Anna Vilents, Werner Pillig and myself, Benjamin Wittorf. It was great to fit into this series with my ÜBERSCHRIFTEN, to enter into a dialogue and to experience how our different forms of expression reinforced each other.

The EURO was an intensive time of exchange and encounter for me. The density of expertise, experience and creativity that came together here was unique. This resulted not only in new ideas, but also in concrete projects and co-operations. Overall, I can look back on a multifaceted experience that enriched me both professionally and personally. The EURO has shown what is possible when expertise and passion come together. And - despite the idea of competition - it made something of the unifying power of sport and art tangible. I take that with me as an inspiring experience.


Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord (Dezember 2021) Digital von Benjamin Wittorf

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung vom Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord



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