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Courtesy of the artist

Benjamin von Wong “Everyone has the opportunity to use whatever superpowers they have to make a difference.“

The US artist Benjamin von Wong has become world-famous for his spectacular environmental art projects. His latest project is located a little higher up, namely on the route to the base camp on Mount Everest.

Ever since tourism on the world's highest peak began to increase, the problem of rubbish has also taken on ever greater dimensions, with Everest being derisively referred to as the world's highest rubbish dump. Von Wong had been planning to realise this theme artistically for some time, but several lucky coincidences meant that his project could now be realised. Von Wong teamed up with the Sagarmatha Next Museum, which had launched the ‘Carry Me Back’ programme. The museum is located in Sagarmatha National Park, which includes the eight-thousanders Lhotse, Cho Oyu, Makalu and Mount Everest. Sagarmatha Next carries out various projects and, with the help of artists, tries to reuse mountain falls and transform them into works of art or souvenir products. Von Wong and Sagarmatha Next found the cosmetics manufacturer Kiehl's, which also has ties to Mount Everest, to sponsor the project. In 1988, Kiehl's sponsored the first ascent of Everest without supplemental oxygen because they wanted to test their products in an extreme environment. According to Von Wong, they were horrified that the once pristine mountain had turned into a rubbish dump.


10 October 2024

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Andrew Gold: ‘I hope my book will encourage people to stop judging other people because they have a different opinion.’

The English investigative journalist, podcaster and filmmaker Andrew Gold has published his first book, ‘The Psychology of Secrets’, published by Pan McMillan. Gold reaches millions of viewers with his YouTube channel, more than some daily newspapers. He is aware of his position and responsibility, says Gold in a personal interview, and is frank about his responsibility in social media and that of his many colleagues. Incidentally, he finds the current role of social media controversial due to the frequent lack of research, the lack of due diligence and the spread of fake news.

Freedom of the press

Often the subject of controversy, Gold's YouTube channel ‘Heretic’ is primarily dedicated to freedom of the press. Based on the stories he collected, Gold and his publisher crystallised a common denominator for the book: secrets. ‘The Psychology of Secrets’ is a fascinating book that analyses secrets on various levels, such as power, espionage, cults, and unearths incredible stories, such as that of Lord Brendan Bracken, Churchill's wartime Minister of Information and founder of the modern Financial Times. His book is about encouraging people not to pass judgement on other people, even if they have a different opinion. He came to the realisation that facts are more important than feelings, but they should not hurt people unnecessarily.


1 October 2024

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Secret Walls Halloween Battle Credit_ Mike Castro


Secret Walls: “What began as a grassroots experiment has grown into a global art movement.“

Action, booming beats, passion, creativity. NFT battles, mural battles, art parties, streetwear, street art - all this awaits spectators when they encounter the productions of the English art group Secret Walls. However, Secret Walls is not about light-hearted fun; the founders want to utilise the power of live art as a cultural force and catalyst for social change. An exclusive interview with the UK art group Secret Walls, now based in LA. Most people are strongly attracted to artists and their freedom, but what sets Secret Walls apart is the high level of energy, almost magic, that the performances evoke in the audience. Launched in 2006, Secret Walls has become a worldwide phenomenon, pitting both established and emerging artists against each other in a live painting battle to create a masterpiece on a blank canvas.

22. September 2024

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Dr. Robert Lackner: „Perls unglaublicher Mut und seine Entschlossenheit, niemals aufzugeben, haben mir imponiert."

2024 jährt sich das Ende des 2. Weltkriegs in Europa zum 79. Mal. Die Helden des D-Day wurden in der wahrscheinlich letzten großen Zeremonie von Präsident Macron geehrt und der 80. Jahrestag des deutschen Widerstands wurde in vielen Veranstaltungen begangen. Andere Helden von damals werden in Büchern oder in der Unterhaltungsindustrie, insbesondere in Hollywood, geehrt, man denke nur an Steven Spielbergs Oskar Schindler. Offensichtlich werden ihre unglaublichen Taten erst dann einem Millionenpublikum bekannt.

Die atemberaubende Lebensgeschichte des jungen Wiener Rechtsanwalts Willy Perl ist hingegen vielen Menschen unbekannt. Dieses Buch könnte das ändern: Wie ein junger Anwalt Tausende von Juden rettete: Die abenteuerliche Geschichte des Willy Perl“, geschrieben vom österreichischen Historiker Dr. Robert Lackner.


29. September 2024

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Portrait der Autorin ©Simona Stoytchkova


Simona Stoytchkova: „Die Transformationskompetenz ist in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft und dem herausfordernden Marktumfeld eine absolute Superpower.“

Simona Stoytchkova beschreibt in ihrem neuen Buch „Die aus dem Osten“ die Kluft zwischen „Ost“ und „West“, die in Deutschland offensichtlich immer noch besteht. Noch heute seien nur etwa 4 % der Spitzenpositionen in der Wirtschaft mit Menschen ostdeutscher Herkunft besetzt. Stoytchkova war zuletzt Board Member und Vorstand der US-amerikanischen State Street Corporation in Frankfurt, TEDx-Speaker und setzt sich für Diversity, Female Empowerment und nachhaltige Führung ein, damit es mehr Spitzenkräfte ostdeutscher Herkunft gibt. Wie kann es sein, dass Menschen, die aus dem ehemaligen Osten kommen, durch die „Rekrutierungsschablone“ fallen? Das sollte nicht so sein, so die Autorin. Ihre Formel heißt Transformationskompetenz, sagt Stoytchkova in einem persönlichen Interview.


25. September 2024

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Mischa Kuball, missing link_, Düsseldorf, 2023 (c) VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2022 Foto: Achim Kukulies

Mischa Kuball: "My work stands for tolerance, enlightenment and interreligious coexistence."

In November 1938, the Great Synagogue in Kasernenstraße in Düsseldorf was set on fire. After the war, only 57 Jewish citizens returned to Düsseldorf and founded the Düsseldorf Jewish community. In 2023, events came in quick succession. 7 October led to demonstrations against Israel in the city and numerous declarations of support for the alliance with Israel from the city. On 2 November, an interfaith prayer for peace was held in front of Düsseldorf City Hall. Also, worth mentioning is the statement by the Mahn-und Gedenkstätte (memorial centre), which announced on its Instagram account that it also commemorates the victims of the people of Gaza.

The most significant project and probably also the most important art project in the city this year is the work "missing link_" by Düsseldorf artist Mischa Kuball. The previous grey memorial stone for the synagogue had long been felt to be inadequate. "missing link_" was switched on at 10.30 pm on 9 November at the corner of Kasernenstraße and Siegfried-Klein-Straße. 

15. April 2024

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"Anything To Say?" by Davide Dormino

 ©Lucas Tiefenthaler

Davide Dormino "Standing up where the masses sit down."

On 25 June, a few days after the UK High Court hearing, Wikileaks and Stella Assange announced that Julian Assange had left Belmarsh prison and was heading for the airport to return to his home country Australia. The artist group Artists for Assange, founded in 2015, has been working alongside many people for years towards the release of Julian Assange. We had the great opportunity to talk to one of these artists, the Roman sculptor Davide Dormino, who created the world-famous sculpture "Anything To Say?". 

Above all, art has the potential to emotionalise people all over the world. "Anything To Say?" is a life-size 930 kilo bronze sculpture depicting Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, each standing on a chair. The fourth chair is empty because it invites visitors to play an active role. The sculpture premiered on Alexanderplatz in Berlin on 1 May 2015 and toured until 2023, visiting cities such as Geneva, Paris, London, Sydney and Melbourne.

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Rita Süssmuth: „Wo ist die Tatkraft, die Deutschland seit dem Wiederaufbau prägte.“

Sie prägte die Politik der 1980er und 1990er Jahre und ist bekannt für ihre klaren Worte. Man nennt sie auch die Grande Dame der deutschen Politik. Im Alter von 87 Jahren erhebt Rita Süssmuth noch einmal ihre Stimme mit der ihr eigenen Unabhängigkeit. Angesichts aktueller Krisen und Kriege, der überraschenden Wahlergebnisse und politischer Unentschlossenheit. Ihr neuestes Buch ist die persönliche Bilanz einer der profiliertesten Politikerinnen Deutschlands.

Rita Süssmuth war von 1985 bis 1988 Bundesministerin für Jugend, Familie und Gesundheit und von 1988 bis 1998 Präsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages. Ihre Amtszeit von fast 10 Jahren war die drittlängste in der Geschichte des Bundestages. Sie war es, die sich in den 1980er Jahren gegen die Ausgrenzung, Stigmatisierung und Isolierung von AIDS-Kranken gegen den Widerstand der Regierung wehrte.


2. Juli 2024

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The Atrium in Aga Khan Museum ©Toni Hafkenscheid

Aga Khan Museum Associate Curator Bita Pourvash and Special Projects Curator Marianne Fenton: “We see not only with our eyes, but also with our hearts and minds.”

On its 10th anniversary, the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto goes back to its founding idea. His Highness the Aga Khan gave the architect Fumihiko Maki the vision that the museum should be built around the theme of light. The new "Light: Visionary Perspectives" exhibition sheds light on the omnipresence and impact of light. Artworks by Olafur Eliasson, Kimsooja and Anish Kapoor, among others, take visitors on a fascinating exploration of the meaning of light and its significance as a unifying symbol for the world. Opened in 2014, the Museum houses a collection of art and artefacts depicting the history of Muslim civilisations from the 9th to the 21st century.

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Vocko: „Wie fühlt sich ein Soldat eigentlich?"

Unsere Redaktion lernte den Veteranen Offizier Vocko während der Düsseldorfer Invictus Games 2023 kennen. Als Teamkapitän der Invictus Games 2022 in Den Haag hatte er die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien auf sich gezogen. Doch schon vorher hatte er durch seinen Influencer-Social-Media-Account, auf dem er Lebens- und Fitnesstipps gibt, viel an Bekanntheit erlangt. Damals schrieb er bereits an seinem Buch "1638 Tage im Krieg - Die Kehrseite der Einsatzmedaille", einem autobiografischen Werk. Das Buch ist ein packender, hochemotionaler Bericht eines deutschen Soldaten und enthüllt bisher unbekannte Hintergründe über historische Ereignisse in Kriegsgebieten wie Afghanistan und dem Kosovo.. Dem Autor geht es nicht darum, eine Kriegsgeschichte zu erzählen, sondern seine Leser zu motivieren, nach schweren Schlägen aufzustehen und nach neuem Sinn im Leben zu suchen. Ein exklusives Interview mit dem Autor, dass er uns zwischen seinen Lesungen, die er derzeit in ganz Deutschland hält, gegeben hat.

30. Mai 2024

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©Keenan Reed

Chloë Cassens: “The people who are truly ahead of the pack and breaking the mold are never really accepted in the moment.“

The SACRED MONSTER project by US writer and Severin Wunderman Collection representative Chloë Cassens launched around the same time as the Jean Cocteau: The Juggler's Revenge exhibition at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice on 18 April, the first major exhibition of Jean Cocteau’s work in the past two decades. For Cassens, SACRED MONSTER is an essay and educational project with which she wants to celebrate the legacy of the legendary French artist, poet, and film director. At the same time, Cassens is the representative of the Severin Wunderman Collection, the world's largest collection of works by Cocteau, to whom the Musée Jean Cocteau-Collection Severin Wunderman in Menton is dedicated. Cassens' grandfather, Severin Wunderman (1938-2008), was a long-time Cocteau collector, providing Cassens with a unique perspective as she grew up surrounded by the artwork. 

12 May 2024

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Marcel Bohnert und Veteranen auf der Ehrentribüne des Bundestags ©Yann Bombeke DBwV

Marcel Bohnert: „Das Ideenpapier zum Veteranentag wächst immer weiter. Wir sehen es als lebendes Dokument.“

Eines der wichtigsten Ereignisse im Düsseldorfer Stadtkalender waren die Invictus Games 2023, die von Prinz Harry, der selbst ein Veteran ist, ins Leben gerufene internationale Spiele für Veteranen. Viel wichtiger waren sie für die Angehörigen der Bundeswehr und ihre Familien. Seit April ist zudem bekannt, dass der Bundestag einen Veteranentag eingeführt hat. Die Soldat*innen, die seit den 1990er Jahren unter anderen Bedingungen als heute verwundet oder traumatisiert aus Auslandseinsätzen zurückkehrten, fühlten sich in der Gesellschaft nicht mehr akzeptiert. Seitdem gibt es den Wunsch bzw. das Bedürfnis, das Engagement dieser Menschen zu würdigen und ihnen ihren Platz in der Gesellschaft zurückzugeben. Wir haben ein Interview mit Oberstleutnant i.G. Marcel Bohnert geführt.

15. Juni 2024

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Odsuren Dagva: “My brain and my soul are boundless.“

Odsuren Dagva is a star of the international ballet world and an artist through and through - even when he expresses himself, it is poetry. Born in Mongolia, he now makes his home in Düsseldorf.

The former solo dancer of the Deutsche Oper Ballett Am Rhein Düsseldorf and Duisburg under Martin Schläpfer was brought to the state ballet school in the capital Ulaanbaatar by his parents at the age of 10. As a young man, he left Mongolia to study the culture of international ballet. His path took him first to Canada, then to the State Ballet of Thuringia, which he says is on of the best middle company's in the world of ballet. His talent was then discovered by choreographer legend Martin Schläpfer, who Dagva sees as a unique global talent factory for ballet dancers.

Odsuren Dagva now seems to have found his new roots in Düsseldorf.

10 April 2024

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Ellie Pritts I don’t believe an artistic output needs to meet any qualifications to be considered art

The latest exhibition "Calderúnicae" by US artist Ellie Pritts opens on 11 April at Kunstverein Ludwigsburg. Many people have probably already seen her work. Pritts has gained worldwide recognition in the fields of Web3 and AI art and has worked with global brands such as Microsoft and Adobe. 

"Calderúnicae" is an artistic exploration of transcendence and depicts a volcanic planet inhabited by mythical beings. In Ellie Pritt's world, the surreal meets the esoteric and the artist questions the boundaries between the real and the surreal and between the physical and the metaphysical. In doing so, she interweaves striking colour palettes, glitch aesthetics and self-portraits in an extremely harmonious way. It's no wonder, then, that well-known brands or international museums draw on her artistic skills. Pritts not only uses AI in her artistic practice, but combines it with outdated technology, such as bent video hardware from the 90s.

April 2024

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Bernd Siggelkow: “Die Arche gibt Kindern eine Lobby, eine Stimme

und ein Herz“

Die Arche - Christliches Kinder- und Jugendwerk e. V., die 1995 von Pastor Bernd Siggelkow in Berlin-Hellersdorf gegründete evangelische Hilfsorganisation, kämpft gegen Kinderarmut in Deutschland. In 34 Heimen in Deutschland und künftig auch in Afrika kümmern sie sich um Kinder und ihre Familien, wo die staatliche Hilfe einfach nicht mehr ausreicht. Das Hilfswerk musste sich in den vergangenen Jahren schwersten Herausforderungen stellen, die grösste davon war Corona, dann der Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine, die Teuerung, die Migration. Grund genug für Pastor Bernd Siggelkow den akuten Notstand in einem neuen Buch zu beschreiben: In „Das Verbrechen an unseren Kindern" blicken Pastor Bernd Siggelkow und Arche-Pressesprecher Wolfgang Büscherand auf 30 Jahre Die Arche zurück, kritisieren Gesellschaft und Politik, zeigen aber auch, was Engagement bewirken kann. In unserem Interview erklärt Pastor Siggelkow zudem die Statements, die er zur aktuellen Flüchtlingspolitik und deren Folgen gemacht hat.

20. March 2024

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